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We prepare and update the material including ebooks for you to get on to your online learning much easier. Pick up any of the ebooks and start learning to improve your knowledge.

Work At Home Moms

Even women who lack degrees or high-priced "career skills" will find there are plenty of options for launching lucrative home-based businesses. It's also possible to land actual on-staff jobs working for others out of a home office. Telecommuting is becoming more common than you might realize.

7 Techniques To Minimize Your Facebook Ad Costs

Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about set a bid cap, get more people to engage with your advert, give away valuable free stuff, target custom and lookalike audiences, split test your way to success, use video ads and refresh ad creatives.


Affiliate Gold

The Internet is one of the most straightforward ways to make money, especially if you want to work from home or generate profits in a manner that costs little or nothing but pays off generously. It has made it possible for anyone to make cash—a lot of cash—and quit the regular day job.


Backlink Basics

The web today is composed of trillions of links: links between websites, links within social media venues like Facebook and Twitter, and even links in email inboxes. Who links to a site and how they link to it is one of the most important factors that search engines rely on when ranking results.


Balancing Keywords And Content

There is no denying the importance of keywords used in any content that is placed on the Web. Keywords allow you and everyone else who uses the Web the ability to find what you are looking for. If you need just one bit of information, you likely would spend countless hours in research trying to find it if it was not for keyword.


Online Business Blueprint

If you are interested in internet marketing, then you definitely need to know what business models are out there and how to choose the best one for you. But first you have to choose the right one and that not only will take some thought, it also takes a great deal of information. That’s exactly what this ebook is going to give you.


Build Your Tribe

This book will also show you how to: engage with your most valuable customers online, in venue and at events, create your marketing dream team, identify the best social media channels for your business, turbo-charge your marketing with the latest low-cost digital marketing tools,


Building A Responsive Mailing List

Most marketer know that the best way to generate sales is to have a large email list. After they build that list, they begin to recognize the list is large, but it doesn't get sales. That's because it wasn't built with the idea of creating a responsive list, and instead focused on quantity instead of quality.


Copywriting Expert

You will discover the topics about why the top is the most important aspect writing a powerful headline, understand the psychology of headlines and headline example. Discover The Fast, Easy, Foolproof System You Can Use To Write Great Sales Copy


Creative Marketing Tactics

How You Can Use Creative 'Out of the Box ' Thinking to Get Loads of New Customers. Inside this eBook, You will discover the topics about What is creative Marketing, how and why creative marketing works, the element of surprise, it pays to be different, controls and variables.


Effective Sales Page

As a marketer, when you think of creating downloadable content, the 1st thing that comes to mind is probably an eBook. This is mainly because they are super easy to create. However, a more concrete reason for using eBooks is their higher ability to convert prospects into leads or customers.


Elements Of An Effective Internet Marketing Sales Page

It is common for many Internet marketers to struggle at this point. They have worked hard to build up their traffic and they feel that that should be enough. The problem is, people are still too easily able to leave the website. They have not learned what is in it for them. A sales page can help you to do this.



Emails provide direct access to a vast market. Almost every person uses an email account. Hence, you can use this platform for cheap, fast and effective marketing. It allows you to connect businesses, products, and services to relevant consumers. And earn in the process too!


Forex Foundry

This eBook will teach you about what is forex, the New York Stock Exchange, what is exchanged, what are forex pairs, market size and liquidity, the spot market, futures trading, exchange-traded funds, and the risks of trading if you don't know how.


Getting Viral

Looking to promote your ebook without spending a copious amount of cash on marketing? You would have seen the success stories on there of other small businesses going viral and the orders flooding in.


How To Build A One Time Offer That Vacuum Cash

Tips on how to make your products sell to picking the right platforms and genres that work well, I’ll separate fact from fiction in this article on how to successfully sell your products and thrive in the dynamic world of online sales.


Income Claims FTC and Jail

If you’re new to marketing or you haven’t been paying attention to what you can and cannot do in your advertising, here are some guidelines to keep you out of hot water with the FTC. The days of people throwing up a website, creating a crappy product and ripping everyone off to the tune of hundreds of dollars a piece are over. These days advertisers have to be honest.


Magic of 100% Commission

However there are a few more reputable sites that do offer the 100% commission offers because of the styles and procedures adopted and exercised to ensure the end result of eliminating the need to consider all the minute details that amount to the less than 100% commission promised.


Money Strategies

Be your own financial planner and create a winning strategy to achieve your money goals Do you want to learn and apply the strategies that experts use to grow and protect wealth? In Smart Money Strategy, popular financial planner Luke Smith comprehensively reveals the principles, methods and tactics that real financial planners use with their clients.


Online Money

How to make $$$ Monthly being a Freelance Writing: Offer your writing skills on platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, Textbroker, or Constant Content is a comprehensive guide that will teach you everything you need to know about freelance writing, from finding clients and building a portfolio, to marketing yourself and growing your business


SEO Tactics For Today

The good news? SEO doesn't have to take that long to kick in. Some SEO tips can net you quick gains in terms of traffic and revenue. These aren't here today, gone tomorrow tactics either. It's just the stuff that makes your life easier IF you know about them. Case and point.


Social Networking Made Easy

Social Media Made Easy is the essential guide for all those who want to make sense of the plethora of social networking opportunities out there, whether for pleasure or business – covering Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, GooglePlus, blogging, photo sharing and more, you’ll be connected, tuned in, followed and ‘friended’ in no time.


Social Media Explosion

Are your old marketing methods fizzling out and losing effectiveness as time goes on? Would you like a way to start generating a ton of traffic to your websites to generate additional income? If so, you’re going to love the Social Media Explosion book which gives you everything you need to create a highly successful business.


Starting Your Own Yahoo Store

Today many people are finding the ease and satisfaction of online shopping. In addition to the growing number of online shoppers, people are also finding that they can run a successful home based business by selling products online. One of the most popular shopping communities online is Yahoo Shopping.


Super Affiliate Status

Discover the path to become a successful affiliate and achieve the coveted "Super Affiliate" status with this comprehensive and practical eBook. Whether you're looking for a profitable way to monetize your online business or want to start a new career in affiliate marketing, this guide is for you.


Tactical Money

One of the easiest ways you can make money fast with your online business is to create your own products and sell those products to other people over the Internet. The set-up process may take you a few weeks, but once the products are ready they work almost entirely by themselves.


The Branding Formula

Branding is very similar to advertising but at a deeper level. Branding is about encouraging a potential customer to seriously consider a product by the fact that the said product is uniquely different and better than its competitors.


The Passage To Passive Income

Any income where the individual does not have to physically earn is called passive income. This of course is a very attractive way of earning an income and indeed those who are lucky enough to make a decent living this way are quite happy.


Time Released CPA

Discover the path to become a successful affiliate and achieve the coveted "Super Affiliate" status with this comprehensive and practical eBook. Whether you're looking for a profitable way to monetize your online business or want to start a new career in affiliate marketing, this guide is for you.


Traffic Generation Technique Selection

Would you like to comprehend how to take your site a notch higher? It’s a no-brainer. You have to have buyers who are interested in what you'll be offering to make sure consistent profits. Everybody is constantly saying that the more traffic you bring your site, the more sales you'll bring in.


Traffic Now

You know how to get traffic -- but do you know if it’s the right traffic? With this free eBook you'll learn how to identify your most valuable traffic sources, maximize the value of your best traffic and boost the amount of traffic from your most important sources.


Twitter Tricks

Who should you follow? How many people should you follow? How often should you tweet? Most people don’t get Twitter. Longtime internet guru Ted Prodromou shows you how to become someone who does. Set to prove that 140 characters or less and a hashtag can dramatically grow your brand and your business.


Work At Home Time Management

Even reading a book on managing time is something that many Work at home business owners must make an appointment to do. In the pages of this fantastic book, you are going to learn techniques, strategies, methods and ideas for getting things done faster and more efficiently than you ever have before.


21 Tips and Tools for Recruiting the Best Affiliates

If you’re a product seller, you probably know that not all affiliates are created equal. In this ebook you will discover a many ways to find and recruit those key affiliates who will take your business to the next level. Includes 21 tips and tools that will help you to find great affiliates!


Work At Home Moms Part 2

You went to school and got your degree. You’ve spent years honing your skills and building a career. Now, you’re a mother and your priorities are shifting in a very big way. Still, thanks to today’s economic climate, your need to earn money remains. Can you have it all? Can you be a full-time mother and still have a lucrative, rewarding career?



Is native advertising something new, or just a new name? Is it the same as content marketing? How does it relate to social media marketing? Does native advertising work? Does it have negative consequences for society? Should native advertisement be deregulated, or should it be more seriously regulated?


20 Powerful Strategies & Hacks for Increasing Instagram Engagement

These hacks will dive into strategies and tips for you to improve engagement on your business or brand Instagram account. Before we get started, this guide is for those who are already familiar with Instagram for Business. If you are new to social media marketing or don’t have a brand account yet, check out our guide to Instagram for Business


20 SEO Myths to Leave Behind in 2020

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an evolving science. While some of the core principles may stick around forever, the more nuanced parts of it are subject to continuous change. As a result, many of the "proven" tactics people have used in the past -- keyword stuffing, link schemes, and so on -- are now the stuff of legend.


27 Email Hacks Thatll Make You More Productive

Tips for managing your inbox, strategies for drafting and replying to emails, and technology hacks to make your work life more efficient. You'll learn productivity techniques to minimize time spent on email. How to write better emails, faster. Systems to make email triage less time consuming, etc.


37 Tips for Social Selling on LinkedIn

Looking to leverage LinkedIn social selling in your sales and marketing plan? Social selling and LinkedIn go hand-in-hand, like fish and chips and cheese and wine. But in order to get the magic happening, you need to know how to use LinkedIn to sell.